Sedation Dentistry in Simi Valley - Anxiety Free Dental Experience

Whether due to previous bad experiences or the influence of family members, dental anxieties present significant barriers to preventive or restorative care. At Avenue of Smiles, we not only offer gentle dentistry to help reassure our patients but provide dental sedation to enhance relaxation and comfort during their appointments.

To schedule your exam and consultation with our sedation dentist in Simi Valley, contact Dr. Yan Fisher and our team today.

Combining Gentle Care with Relaxation

Our practice is entirely focused on ensuring our patients are comfortable and healthy. Dr. Fisher and our team are as gentle as possible when providing treatment, but this does not always enough to put patients at ease. Anxiety can complicate treatment, making services impossible to render.

To ensure that patients achieve their ideal dental health without fearing dental visits our gentle dentist offers a number of options for dental sedation in Simi Valley.

Nitrous Oxide: This non-invasive form of dental sedation is often referred to as laughing gas, and is a viable option for patients of all ages. This gas is mixed with oxygen and continuously applied through a facemask. The manner of application allows our dentist to increase or decrease concentration according to patients’ needs, and it wears off quickly after treatment has been completed.

Oral Conscious Sedation: This is pill-form medication taken prior to your appointment with our office. Much like nitrous oxide, the oral conscious method leaves patients conscious but creates a sort of twilight sleep that allows total relaxation during treatment. Patients undergoing oral conscious sedation will need a designated driver to accompany them, as they will be unable to drive before or after treatment.

IV Sedation: For comprehensive treatment, IV sedation can be provided by an experienced anesthesiologist. This option is ideal for those patients who are in need extensive care such as implant placement, or for those who experience anxiety over the memories of dental care. IV sedation creates an amnesiac effect and requires patients to be accompanied by a designated driver after their appointment.

Achieve Total Comfort at Avenue of Smiles

Whether you need help relaxing during your dental appointment, or require multi-step treatment during a single visit, sedation dentistry may be the right option for you. Contact Dr. Fisher, our Simi Valley sedation dentist, Avenue of Smiles today to schedule your exam and consultation. 

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Avenue of Smiles Dental Practice
Yan Fisher, DDS - Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry
Your Path to a Radiant Smile Starts Here

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Yan Fisher, DDS
Phone: 805-526-6100
2691 Tapo Canyon Rd., Suite C
Simi Valley, CA 93063

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